22 Kasım 2013 Cuma


 Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German theoretical physicist.

Born in the city of Ulm in the German Empire, the first years of his life, Einstein spent in Munich. He completed his high school education and higher education in Switzerland;
but due to the difficulties in finding a job at a University a patent office began working as the Inspector.

Albert Einstein's theories of special relativity and general relativity, with two centuries, has created a revolution in the space is dominated by the concept of Newton mechanics.
Only math calculations and equations as has been confirmed many times that theories with the later experimental.
E = mc2 equation formulated with his mass-energy equivalents can be brought and how stars, paving the way for nuclear energy has led to the description that the technology.


Albert was born two-and-a-half years old sister, Maja.
Speaking before the start of school and the challenges of living, her doctor, her mother and father excelled at the babies.
Four or five years old, his father told him to cheer up a sick in bed like a magnetic compass.
Einstein at the age of five, gave him a better education because they think their houses near the Catholic Christian elementary, realized.
After school, the school's tight discipline and rote learning Einstein's understanding was becoming uncomfortable. But despite dissatisfaction with the school's high notes.
The first class had jumped out and most of the first period class.

The Gymnasium was of great importance to the ancient Greek and Latin. The curriculum also modern languages, geography, literature and math.
Einstein Latin and mathematics in the highest notes and sharp logic to this. He had a much more rigorous discipline Elementary School Gymnasium.
Einstein always clashed with the authoritarian teachers and teachers here, Einstein didn't like the independent, rebellious personality ever.
The Talmud, bringing a variety of popular science books of the time to Einstein and Einstein was a big fad in all of them. Once the Talmud, Euclid's elements are brought to book.
Einstein began working on problems in the book. Just before the end of the summer, with all the problems of Einstein also found alternative proof and theorems, too.
in the summer of 1891, the engineer had brought him an algebra book his uncle Jakob. Einstein that summer algebra to solve problems on the spot, decided to work and the book.
  Proof of the Pythagorean theorem, again that summer, Einstein made a. Algebra and geometry and then headed for the Einstein kalkülüse.
By the age of sixteen with analytical geometry, differential and integral calculations on your own.


It's going to be the future wife of Serbian origin in Einstein Polytechnic Mileva Maric. in 1896, after a semester of Pharmacy physics section.
Einstein's first year class were, and began a romantic relationship between the two in this period. They decided to get married last year at the University.



in 1900, Einstein graduated with a degree in physics at the University. He wanted to find an Assistant position at the University, so that allowed him to research for a doctorate.
But a University Professor with a lot off the rebellious attitude. Professors also Einstein's lessons in, he didn't like the work topics.
After writing the letters of advice from professors at Einstein found a position at the Polytechnic. By submitting your articles to other universities, research positions, but to no avail nothing
could not get a positive answer. After a lot of University positions for 18 months he left the call with the help of Bern, Switzerland and Marcel Grossman at the patent office.
After graduation, Einstein was distressed to find a teaching job in two years.Examined patent applications for electromagnetic devices.
A large part of the Patent Office's job is to transfer electrical signals and electrical-mechanical questions about when you coordinate. Two technical question about his thought experiments,
Einstein's light on the nature of the relationship between space and time, the radical conclusions about the time with the adversary.

in 1909, the patent office, a Professor of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich, and his work has been.

in 1911, according to the new general relativity, calculated by the Sun, the light of another star to break.
This estimate was later Arthur Eddington's 1919 solar eclipse observations in has been verified. This is the world-famous international media communication, Einstein.

in 1921, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. At that time, relativity is still seen as controversial,
because of the photoelectric effect, description of the award has been given. the Copley Medal by the Royal Society in 1925.


Relativity; The special and the General Theory: a popular Comment, 1920.
The Meaning of relativity, 1921.
Single Monoatomic Gases should adjust the Quantum Theory, in 1924.
Research on the theory of Brownian motion, 1926.
Zionism, 1930.
Why War, 1933.
From what I've seen the world, Essays, 1934.
Philosophy, 1934.
The evolution of physics, Leopold Infield, 1938.
Autobiographical notes, Essays, 1949.
Essays, 1950. 
                                                       -SOME OF THE LYRICS-